RMP and the ILAC MRA

RMP and the ILAC MRA

The ILAC MRA, as announced earlier this month, now includes the accreditation of reference material producers (RMP) using ISO 17034.

Since announcing this extension and the recognition of the EA MLA to the ILAC MRA covering the accreditation of RMP, there are now 8 signatories to the ILAC MRA for the accreditation of RMP using ISO 17034 namely CAI (Czech Republic), DAkkS (Germany), INAB (Ireland), RvA (The Netherlands), SANAS (South Africa), ENAC (Spain), TURKAK (Turkey) and UKAS (United Kingdom). This represents 39 reference material producers currently covered by the ILAC MRA.

The full list of signatories to the ILAC MRA is available from https://ilac.org/signatory-search/ . This directory is searchable by economy and scope of signatory status as well as the name and acronym of the accreditation bodies that are signatories to the ILAC MRA. The scope of recognition of the recognised regions to the ILAC MRA is available from https://ilac.org/ilac-mra-and-signatories/recognised-regional-cooperation-bodies/.

In addition, the ILAC brochure ‘Why become an accredited reference material producer’ has been revised and updated to reflect this extension of the ILAC MRA to include RMP and is available from https://ilac.org/publications-and-resources/ilac-promotional-brochures/.