NEWS on the BIPM key comparison database

A new version of the BIPM key comparison database, the KCDB 2.0, was launched in October 2019. This followed 20 years continuous and efficient operation of the original KCDB. The new version provides a web-based user platform, which allows CMC data to be drafted and reviewed while being directly linked to the database.

The introduction of the KCDB 2.0 has led to an improvement in the quality management of data and a demonstrable reduction in the delay between submission to publication of internationally recognized calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs). On average, the delay has been reduced by a factor of 2. The KCDB 2.0 includes enhanced functionality to allow the generation of numerical data on the CMCs and comparisons.

The growing issue of digitalization and machine readability is a hot topic with far-reaching consequences, which is being debated within many areas, including metrology. Industry and other stakeholders are increasingly requesting support for digital calibration certificates. In response to this requirement, the open access search facility for CMCs has received a significant enhancement with the introduction of an API (Application Programming Interface) that can be used to program CMC queries. The API KCDB can simultaneously query the same database that is available via the KCDB web to generate machine-readable CMC data. The API KCDB may be integrated into web applications, for example to adapt the service to languages other than English.

The API KCDB software represents the latest in the BIPM’s ongoing work to ensure that the KCDB remains at the forefront of the future digitalization needs of the metrology community. It is a possible precursor to the introduction of digital CMCs and ultimately for digital calibration certificates. The API is available via the KCDB website and an introduction video has also been made available: