IAAC MLA Recognition to the ILAC MRA now includes RMP!

We are pleased to advise that the recognition of the IAAC MLA to the ILAC MRA now includes the accreditation of RMP using ISO 17034 as a result of the recent ILAC Arrangement Council ballot and the evaluation of IAAC for this scope extension.

The full list of signatories to the ILAC MRA is available from https://ilac.org/signatory-search/. This directory is searchable by economy and scope of signatory status as well as the name and acronym of the accreditation bodies that are signatories to the ILAC MRA. The scope of recognition of the recognised regions to the ILAC MRA is available from https://ilac.org/ilac-mra-and-signatories/recognised-regional-cooperation-bodies/. Information on the acceptance of calibration, testing and inspection results, programs provided by PTPs and reference materials produced by RMPs via the ILAC MRA is available from https://ilac.org/ilac-mra-and-signatories/.