Eurolab News

EUROLAB is currently working on several initiatives, collaborative actions and compelling projects that we’ve embarked on with various stakeholders, exploring relevant fields such as food quality, digitalisation, and sustainable laboratory practices. These are crucial for sharing knowledge, and aligning our efforts with the broader goals of the laboratory community.

A recent example is the project 23IND13 ScreenFood – Metrology for food safety in the circular economy: targeted and screening methods for contaminants in food and recycled packaging, funded under the EURAMET Metrology Partnership Program.



EUROLAB National Members’ Meeting 2024 was held on 17-18 October in Athens, Greece, kindly hosted by HellasLab. It brought together EUROLAB members from across Europe for two days of insightful discussions, updates and planning of EUROLAB’s strategic priorities, technical outputs and stakeholders’ engagement. The meetings provided a collaborative platform for members to reflect on recent achievements and set the course for the coming year, as well as to address key topics related to laboratory accreditation, quality assurance, and EUROLAB’s future strategies. It also offered members the chance to strengthen relationships and exchange insights within the community. The event was also an opportunity to meet our local members’ representatives and brainstorm new collaboration opportunities. The meeting, taking place in the historic city of Athens, offered participants the opportunity to explore the cultural and historical treasures of one of the world’s oldest cities.



Additionally, a new Technical Report has been published! Technical Report No. 1/2024 is titled “Guidelines for the Management of Digitalised Systems in Laboratories Accredited to ISO/IEC17025”. The document, developed by EUROLAB in collaboration with experts from across the laboratory and accreditation sectors, provide practical recommendations for managing digital systems in laboratories while ensuring compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. The guidelines address critical topics such as risk assessment and data security, system validation, and the use of digital technologies to improve efficiency and accuracy. The document is available on EUROLAB website, in the Technical Reports section.

Our international outreach continues to expand as well, as the training opportunities offered to our members and interested audience. We are pleased to invite the laboratory community to our next webinar on the newly published “Guidelines for the Management of Digitalised Systems in Laboratories Accredited to ISO/IEC17025” taking place on 27 November 2024. This webinar will be dedicated to the official presentation of the newly published EUROLAB Technical Report and its in-depth analysis. It will be a unique opportunity to delve into the subject of the paper with its authors, clarify uncertainties and engage in the discussion.

To be kept updated on the EUROLAB activities, you can follow us on LinkedIn and check our website with all latest news. To be added to our mailing list, please contact