Cofrac* is used to organising events for its customers of its different divisions. Usually offered face-to-face, theses meetings have been reinvented due to the pandemic.
Following two “Accreditation and Inspection meetings” organised in 2016 and 2018, Cofrac offered a completely redesigned event in June 2021, to accredited bodies and those interested in accreditation for inspection activities.
With a studio worthy of a television production and several projectors and cameras pointed at concentrated speakers, flawless animation, discussions, presentations and videos broadcast and available for streaming; the organisation of this event was undoubtedly a great first and success for Cofrac!
Called “Accreditation in the inspection field: let’s talk about it!”, this event took place remotely, filmed and broadcast live from Paris. Only the members of the Inspection division were present on D-day in the studio to encourage their colleagues in this unprecedented exercise.
On the program for this half-day: updates and projects from the division, a presentation of the most frequent findings observed during the assessments as well as a point on the associated requirements, and a focus on the document GEN REF 11 – General rules for reference to accreditation and to international recognition arrangements – which gave some clarification on how to use the reference to accreditation.
The event was punctuated by live surveys, to collect participants’ reactions, and video interludes, one on the Cofrac digitisation project, and a second one explaining the different types of independence in the inspection field.
The organisation of this remote meeting met the expectations of the 142 people who participated via the streaming platform. Indeed, out of the 77 who answered the satisfaction questionnaire, 99% said they were satisfied and very satisfied. When asked “Did you like the TV set format?“, the answer was unanimous: 99% yes! Further proof of the success of this event is that 73% of respondents said they would prefer this remote format for a future event!
* The French accreditation committee (Cofrac).