Signatory status of PNGLAS suspended

The signatory status of the Papua New Guinea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, PNGLAS to the ILAC MRA for the accreditation of testing laboratories using ISO/IEC 17025 was suspended on 14 August 2017.  This suspension is at the request of PNGLAS to the APLAC MRA Council and follows the APLAC MRA Council’s decision to grant temporary voluntary suspension status of PNGLAS to the APLAC MRA.

PNGLAS has confirmed that they will be advise the APLAC MRA Council later this year when PNGLAS complies with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011.  The evaluation due in September 2017 will subsequently be re-scheduled. Once the evaluation has been completed, all the corrective actions satisfactorily addressed and the evaluation report reviewed, a decision will be made to re-instate the signatory status of PNGLAS to the APLAC MRA and consequently the ILAC MRA.