ILAC MRA extended to include PTP!

The ILAC MRA has now been extended to include the accreditation of proficiency testing providers (PTP) using ISO/IEC 17043!

This extension of the ILAC MRA has been implemented as a result of the recent publication of ILAC R6 that allows for the expansion of the MRA with a positive decision by the Arrangement Council of one region and the decision of the members of the ILAC Arrangement Council, taken in May 2018, that endorsed the recommendation of the AMC to recognise the EA MLA for the accreditation of PTP, as a result of the extra-ordinary evaluation of EA carried out in 2017.

We are therefore pleased to advise that the recognition of the EA MLA to the ILAC MRA now includes the accreditation of PTP using ISO/IEC 17043. In addition, there are now 5 signatories to the ILAC MRA for the accreditation of PTP using ISO 17043, namely FINAS (Finland), CAI (Czech Republic), RvA (The Netherlands), ENAC (Spain) and UKAS (United Kingdom).

The full list of signatories to the ILAC MRA is available from This directory is searchable by economy and scope of signatory status as well as the name and acronym of the accreditation bodies that are signatories to the ILAC MRA. The scope of recognition of the recognised regions to the ILAC MRA is available from Information on the acceptance of calibration, testing and inspection results and programs provided by PTPs via the ILAC MRA is available from