EUROLAB (the European Federation of National Associations of Measurement, Testing and Analytical Laboratories) is glad to share upcoming international initiatives that you are welcome to join:
EUROLAB webinar on sustainability in the laboratory “Build a sustainability culture in your lab”
The upcoming EUROLAB webinar “Build a sustainability culture in your lab. Learn about the latest policy developments and innovative best practices from key experts in the field” will take place online on 29 November 2023 in the afternoon and 30 November 2023 in the morning.
It aims to raise awareness on the framework of EU legislations regulating sustainability aspects in the laboratory field and standardisation activities on the matter, as well as to identify the key practices and challenges from the various invited stakeholders.
The first part of this webinar will focus on a selection of the current EU legislations and policies under development or recently adopted in the framework of the European Green Deal. It will also include standardisation developments at the international level. In the second part of the webinar, more practical aspects will be touched upon, focusing specifically on the benefits and challenges of implementing more sustainable practices in laboratories. Concrete case studies and examples will be presented by laboratory practitioners showcasing current green strategies available and identify the main obstacles to further advancements.
More information is available on our website, the link to register and the program will be published soon.
If you wish to be added to our mailing list and be informed about the developments regarding this and other webinars and events, please contact us at
EUROLAB joins the Labsummit® 2024 as Institutional Sponsor
EUROLAB is one of the institutional sponsors of the Labsummit® 2024, taking place on 16-18 May 2024 in Coimbra (Portugal), jointly organised by RELACRE, ISQ and Ambidata.
The international event aims to bring together professionals from the laboratory industry, scientists and policy makers, managers and administrators, students, and all those interested in discussing the latest trends, technologies, and challenges of the present and future in the field of laboratories.
It focuses on four distinct pillars – Laboratory, Digital, Productivity and Sustainability – which represent the main concerns and challenges faced by laboratory professionals who are constantly seeking valuable solutions and information to improve the efficiency, quality and sustainability of laboratory processes.
Labsummit® will also provide a conducive environment for learning, collaboration and innovation in the field of laboratories, encouraging the exchange of ideas and experiences among participants. The event will feature expert lectures, successful case presentations, panel discussions, exhibitors, workshops and networking opportunities.
Further information is available on the event website:
You can also apply to become a speaker or an exhibitor.
Early bird registration opens soon!
IMEKO Joint Conference TC8, TC11, TC24 and EUROLAB National Members’ Meeting 2023
The Joint Conference of IMEKO TC8 Traceability in Metrology, TC11 Measurement in Testing and TC24 Chemical Measurements is taking place in Funchal, on the Island of Madeira in Portugal, from 11 to 13 October 2023.
Following the success of the Joint Conference held in Cavtat-Dubrovnik (Croatia) in 2022, and to strengthen the long tradition of cooperation between IMEKO Technical Committees, RELACRE (the Portuguese Association of Accredited Laboratories) is organising the 2023 Joint Conference, together with IMEKO TC8, TC11 and TC24, LNEC and EUROLAB.
The event will bring together the TIC community, academia and industry, promoting the latest advancements in science and technology in many fields of measurement.
More information on the program is available here.
EUROLAB National Members’ Meeting will take place along with the International IMEKO Conference, kindly hosted by RELACRE. It will be an important occasion for our members and stakeholders not only to discuss the latest key issues for EUROLAB and the world of laboratories, but also to attend the IMEKO Joint Conference TC8, TC11, TC24 and anticipate the celebrations for the World Standards Day on 14 October.