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Bem-vindo à ILAC A ILAC é a organização internacional de organismos de acreditação que trabalham de acordo com a ISO/IEC 17011 na acreditação de organismos de avaliação da conformidade, incluindo laboratórios de calibração (segundo a ISO/IEC 17025), laboratórios de ensaios (segundo a ISO/IEC 17025), laboratórios de exames médicos (segundo a ISO 15189) e organismos de

Other Partner Contact Details

The contact details for the international bodies ILAC liaises and cooperates with are provided below. APMP Asia/Pacific Metrology Programme Tel: +81 298 61 4363 Fax: +81 298 61 4393 Email: Website: ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Tel: +6221 7262991 Fax: +6221 7398234 Email: Website: COOMET Euro-Asian Cooperation Of National

ILAC Committees

General Assembly (GA) Chair: Ms Etty Feller Email: Vice Chair: Ms Maribel Lopez Email: Executive Committee (EC) Chair: Ms Etty Feller Email: Vice Chair: Ms Maribel Lopez Email: Arrangement Management Committee (AMC) Chair: Mr Trace McInturff Email: Arrangement Committee (ARC) Chair: Ms Dana Leaman Email: Accreditation Committee (AIC) Chair: Mr Natarajan Venkateswaran Email:

ILAC – IAF Partnership

  ILAC and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) have been co-operating since 2001 to achieve improved alignment of their work programmes as this contributes to the effectiveness and efficiency of both organisations, their mutual members and delivery of value to their stakeholders. This is an effective and well established partnership that now includes joint meetings