If you missed the ITU Tutorial that included a presentation by Erik Øhlenschlæger, ILAC AIC Chair, the background information and recording is now available here
This tutorial provides guidance for all stakeholders on the Testing Laboratories recognition procedure established by ITU, its benefits and the logistical details required for submitting an application for ITU recognition of a testing laboratory competent to test according to ITU-T Recommendations, in collaboration with existing accreditation bodies.
The ITU-T Guideline on Testing Laboratory Recognition procedure defines recognition criteria for TLs from laboratories that are accredited by an Accreditation Body (AB) that is a signatory to the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) for testing where the scope of accreditation contains ITU-T Recommendation(s).
ILAC published the ILAC Assessment Procedure in the field of Telecommunications. This document was created in the framework of cooperation established under the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), IAF and ILAC.