News from ARAC

1.     New ARAC MLA Signatory: Saudi Accreditation Center SAC

1.1   New ARAC MLA Signatory :

Following the acceptance of the Saudi Accreditation Center SAC as new ARAC MLA signatory, ARAC has 5 MLA signatories are the following:

ARAC MLA Signatory




























































2.      ARAC Regional Workshops:

2.1   ARAC Regional Training Workshop on estimation and statement of uncertainty and the new version of “ILAC P14:09/2020 ILAC Policy for Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration

 With the participation of more than 100 ARAC AB’s personnel involved in the accreditation process [ARAC ABs staff, Lead Assessors, Technical Assessors and Technical Experts and decision makers], the ARAC online Regional on estimation and statement of uncertainty and the new version of “ILAC P14:09/2020 ILAC Policy for Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration” has been successfully conducted during the period 22nd – 23rd  June 2021. The regional training workshop that was very ably facilitated by Eng. Mahmoud Eltayeb covered  the requirements and guidelines for the estimation and statement of uncertainty in calibration and will support ARAC ABs members to implement the new requirements of ILAC P 14, which is based on the Guide to Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) and retains the common understanding of the term CMC from the joint declaration issued by the BIPM and ILAC.

2.2   ARAC Regional Workshop on ISO/IEC 17043

 ARAC conducted during the period 04 – 07 July 2021 an online regional training workshop on accreditation of the PT provider according to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17043 “Conformity assessment – General requirements for proficiency testing” with the participation of more than 100 ARAC AB’s personnel involved in the accreditation process as well as representative from ARAC Stakeholders’ members. These training sessions will support ARAC AB members to extend their activities in order to include the accreditation of proficiency testing providers, which covered the requirements for the competence and impartiality of proficiency testing providers and consistent operation of all proficiency testing schemes.

[Photo 01: Participants at the ARAC Peer Evaluators workshop on ISO/IEC 17043]

2.3   Regional Workshop on Metrological Traceability and the new version of ILAC P10:07/2020 ILAC Policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results

 in order to harmonize the accreditation practices among ARAC members and support the enhancement of members’ capacities in operating existing accreditation schemes of common interest to ARAC members, ARAC organized the regional workshop “on Metrological Traceability and the new version of ILAC P10:07/2020 ILAC Policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results”. These online training sessions covered the Principles of metrological traceability and the new ILAC policy on metrological traceability of measurement results, which shall be implemented by the ARAC ABs MLA signatories no later than July 2021.  In addition, the training sessions covered the ILAC policy with regard to the metrological traceability requirements for the conformity assessment activities where measurement is involved

[Photo 02:  Participants at the ARAC Regional Workshop on Metrological Traceability]

2.4   ARAC Regional Workshop on the new version of P15:05/2020 Application of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for the Accreditation of Inspection Bodies

 ARAC conducted during the period 11-12 April 2021 an online regional training workshop on the new version of P15:05/2020 Application of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 for the Accreditation of Inspection Bodies with the participation of more than 80 ARAC AB’s personnel involved in the accreditation process as well as representative from ARAC Stakeholders’ members. This workshop will support ARAC AB members to prepare for the implementation of the new issue of ILAC P 15, which shall start in November 2021. 

3.      Arab Accreditation week:

In its second edition and on the occasion of World Accreditation Day 2021 ARAC organized the Arab Accreditation Week [AAW] during the period 06-11 June 2021 under the theme “Together towards enhancing the role of accreditation in supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Arab region”.

Several on line activities held during the AAW demonstrate the ways for further developing the accreditation infrastructure in the Arab region and highlight the pivotal role it plays in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Arab region, in addition to capacity building activities that implemented to strengthen the ARAC members competencies.

3.1  Webinar on the benefits of ARAC MLA recognition to the ARAC Accreditation Body members and the benefits of accreditation to governments

The event, came in the context of the implementation of ARAC communication strategy, will further contribute to strengthen the visibility of ARAC inside and outside the accreditation community, supporting recognition and acceptance of the ARAC MLA and services/products provided under accreditation issued by the ARAC accreditation body members. By the end of the awareness sessions, the participants had a good understanding on the contributions of accreditation, ARAC MLA and its members for the benefits of:

  • Regulators,
  • Industries and economies,
  • Conformity assessment bodies

[Photo 03:  Participants at the ARAC Regional Workshop on the benefits of the ARAC MLA]

 3.2   Celebration of the WAD 2021

The online celebration covered interventions from ARAC and the regional partner organizations to highlight the role of accreditation in supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Arab region. In addition, examples have been shared on how accreditation and QI services may be applied to meet objectives such as increasing trade, addressing health and safety concerns, and improving the general overall quality of output at national and regional levels.

3.3   Webinar on accreditation in the digital era

This webinar aimed to review the best experiences from the ARAC Accreditation Bodies on how they operate so far under the specific situation of COVID-19 by using information and communication technologies while, most importantly, maintaining the integrity and a robust accreditation system. The event gave ARAC AB members a common understanding and a guidance on how to go digital in a harmonized way with an adequate digitalization tools to operate efficiently and effectively.

3.4   Webinar on gender inclusivity and diversity amongst ARAC accreditation body members:

Within the framework of the implementation of the ARAC gender policy ARAC organized exchange missions amongst the men and women representatives of the national accreditation bodies in the Arab region to share experiences and success stories in the field of gender inclusivity and diversity amongst their accreditation bodies, as well as to learn on the best international practices in gender responsiveness & integration within management and leadership.

[Photo 04:  Participants at the ARAC Regional workshop on gender inclusivity and diversity amongst ARAC ABs]

4.      New ARAC PT programs:

Since March 2021 and with the aim to enhance the measurement capability and traceability in countries and economies of the Arab region through a better regional scientific infrastructure, the following new PT programs has been implemented under the auspice of ARAC:

  • ARAC PT 003: Pesticides in food

Following the request of the ARAC Technical Committee to implement a third PT program on Pesticide in food ARAC launched a mapping in order to determine the number of the laboratories that can participate at this program and types or classes of pesticides. Based on the received feedback a new ARAC PT program ARAC PT 003 has been designed “Pesticides in Fruits and Vegetables” and a competent PT provider was selected to implement this PT program under the auspice of ARAC with the participation of more than 50 laboratories from the Arab region.

In addition, ARAC initiated the following three ARAC PT programs since April 2021 with the participation of more than 60 accredited laboratories in the Arab region:

  • ARAC PT Program PT 004 “Veterinary residues in beef, chicken and fish”
  • ARAC PT Program PT 005 “Dioxins and PCBs in food”
  • ARAC PT Program PT 006 “Aflatoxins in agriculture crops”

It should be highlighted that that the results of the participation of the ARAC AB accredited laboratories at the ARAC PT programs are using in the Peer evaluation process conducted by ARAC with the aim to check the compliance of ARAC ABs with ILAC/IAF A2 and ARAC applicable requirements. In addition, this PT program will enhance the measurement capability and traceability of measurements in countries and economies of the Arab region through a better regional scientific infrastructure.

The contact details of ARAC Secretariat are:

ARAC Secretariat
Email :
Tel: + 212 600 78 56 78
The ARAC website address is: