New Guide on How Accreditation in Developing Economies Can Facilitate Trade and Support Sustainable Development

UNIDO Developing Economies

The significance of an accreditation system for trade and the economy, as well as practical advice for the establishment of accreditation bodies, are the focus of a newly released publication titled, “Establishing accreditation in developing economies – A guide to opening the door for global trade”.

Prepared by the United Nations Development Organisation (UNIDO), in cooperation with the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), the publication was launched at the ILAC – IAF Joint General Assembly. The guide aims to support the common goal of “tested, inspected or certified once and accepted everywhere”. 

It is comprised of two parts. The first part focuses on the need for accreditation and the benefits that an accreditation system can bring to good governance. It provides policymakers with a framework for establishing an accreditation body or partnering with neighboring economies to form a shared system, which can bring an economy closer to its trading partners through mutually exclusive recognized arrangements of accreditation.

The second part offers comprehensive practical advice and building blocks to those who are tasked with establishing an accreditation body. It presents information on the essential operational requirements for accreditation bodies, and outlines available resources, as well as potential challenges. Case studies then follow to offer an illustration of practical applications of the guidance provided in the publication.

“Not only does an accreditation system have benefits for improving trade flows, it also delivers many benefits internal to an economy. Examples include providing confidence in non-trade arenas, such as the monitoring and measurement of progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and their associated targets,” said Ll Yong, the Director General of UNIDO.

A copy of the brochure is available here.