Latest revisions of P4, P5 and R6 published

ILAC P4:06/2022 ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement: Policy and Management, ILAC P5:06/2022 ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement: Scope and Obligations and ILAC R6:06/2022 Structure of the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement and Procedure for Expansion of the Scope of the ILAC Arrangement have been revised to support the implementation of the following resolution and the extension of the ILAC MRA to include accreditation of biobanking:

 ILAC Resolution GA 25.09: The General Assembly endorses the recommendation of the ARC to extend the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) to include accreditation of biobanking as a Level 2 activity, to the criteria specified in the Level 3 normative document, ISO 20387. ILAC will therefore accept applications for recognition as soon as the documents within ILAC applicable to the MRA are updated to cover this new scope.

P4 and P5 are available here and R6 is available here.