The Environmental Analysis Laboratory (LAE) is the first university laboratory in the Democratic Republic of Congo to be accredited by SADCAS according to the requirements of the ISO/CEI 17025:2017 standard since September 2021 (accreditation number: TEST- 50063). Its field of activity concerns environmental analyses: air, water, soil and waste.
The LAE’s mission is to provide scientific expertise and develop knowledge to know the quality of the environment in order to develop society in a sustainable way. As such, it offers in the field of the environment, management and sustainable exploitation of natural resources: training, research, professional supervision and expertise for the benefit of industrialists.
The first assessment of the LAE by SADCAS took place on Monday, September 12, 2022 in face-to-face. The LAE thus becomes the first SADC laboratory to undergo a post-COVID assessment by SADCAS.
a) Opening meeting with all LAE staff;
b) Working session: assessment of the LAE management system;
c) Working session: technical evaluation.
All chapters (management and technical) of the system have been assessed against the requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and the additional requirements of SADCAS/ILAC/IAF.
The vertical evaluation and the witnessing were the subject of the technical evaluation. At the end, two new technical signatories have been successfully assessed and their approvals are in progress. A few discrepancies were noted by the evaluation team and a corrective action plan was submitted for approval.
In view of the low number of non-conformities encountered, the LAE hopes to maintain its accreditation.
The head of the LAE, Prof. Arthur KANIKI particularly thanks the Rector of the University of Lubumbashi, Prof. Gilbert KISHIBA for his support as well as Dean Jean-Marie KANDA for his support. He commends the commitment of all his staff. He warmly thanks the CEO of ASCOLAB (NLA/DRC), Mr. Victor KANAMA Viki Mbuya for his coaching.