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is an important and effective tool for government and regulators around the world to be aware of and use in the acceptance of data and results from accredited laboratories and inspection bodies that have carried out calibration, testing, medical testing and inspection work, or who mandate participation in proficiency testing programs or the use of
The MRA supports international trade by promoting international confidence and acceptance of accredited testing and inspection reports, proficiency testing program provisions and reference material producers. Technical barriers to trade, such as the retesting of products each time they enter a new economy is reduced. In this way, the free-trade goal of “accredited once, accepted everywhere”
Congratulations to the team of Aliya Ospanova, Anara Tleuova, Zulyal Kabenova and Yelena Trifonova for taking second place in the 2024 World Accreditation Day poster contest, and to Joshua Egahi-Ojo Alhassan for taking third place. Each runner-up entry earned a prize of USD 500. Second Place Winners – Aliya Ospanova, Anara Tleuova, Zulyal Kabenova and
The ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC MRA) provides significant technical underpinning to the calibration, testing, medical testing and inspection results, provision of proficiency testing programs and production of the reference materials of the accredited conformity assessment bodies that in turn delivers confidence in the acceptance of services and results. The ILAC MRA supports the provision
ILAC JDSC Funding Policy JDSC Terms of Reference JDSC Survey 2014 Useful Links UNIDO Knowledge Hub ISO Action Plan for Developing Countries 2016-2020: Free ISO publications: Free presentations on the recently published standards: UNIDO Annual Report: Go to JDSC Minutes and Papers
International Accreditation Day By ILAC Chair, Daniel Pierre and IAF Chair, Thomas Facklam We are delighted to announce that the second International Accreditation Day will take place on June 9th 2009. This year’s theme is ‘competence’ -a core principle of what accreditation delivers. Technical and operational competence, as it relates
ILAC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) have a long standing relationship. ILAC has an ‘A’ liaison status within the ISO Committee on Conformity Assessment (CASCO) as well as a number of the ISO technical committees. ILAC is also involved in a number of the ISO working groups for developing standards. Further information on
Proficiency Testing Working Group (PTWG) – The Proficiency Testing Working Group (PTWG) of the ILAC Accreditation Committee (AIC) noted the publication of this document by NCSL International. The President of NCSL International has kindly agreed to it being posted in the members area of the ILAC Website for use by the members of ILAC free
Congratulations to Japhet Tolosa Celis and Jazzy April Macogue Tolosa, who received the first-place prize of USD 1500 in the 2024 World Accreditation Day poster contest. Japhet Tolosa Celis has worked for 12 years for the DTI-Philippine Accreditation Bureau (PAB), where she serves in the Promotion and Documentation Division. One of her key
ILAC Rules (Requirements) documents including the Articles and Bylaws and other documents covering the operation of ILAC as an incorporated entity. Documents in this category were previously published as S Series documents. This document provides rules and procedures for the classification and publication of ILAC documents. ILAC R2A:11/2019 ILAC Rules: Articles of Association contains the
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